Global Logo of the Biological Family

Welcome to our website! We hope that you will find what you may be looking for: Useful and exciting resources, with alternative and creative messages .....

The purpose of this logo is threefold:


Offering free recources

Making available free resources for celebrating and promoting the uniqueness of the biological family consisting of mother + father + child.


Defending children's rights

Communicating and defending children’s natural and inborn right to both a mother and a father.


Setting the rainbow free

Contributing towards freeing the rainbow, so that people everywhere may feel comfortable using its colours in a variety of ways and with different messages.

Shortcuts to the main sections on this website

The Logo

(a) Click on the format (jpg, png or PDF) in the version you want to download.
(b) On the image that opens up, right-click with your mouse and choose "Save as".
(c) Choose the folder on your computer where you want the downloaded image to be saved and stored.  

• The logo in the jpg format is a picture that can easily be used and shared anywhere on the net. The png format is a picture that allows transparency on any background. The PDF format is not a picture but is ideal for printing on paper and objects, since it can be enlarged to any size without losing its quality.

How to use the logo

The logo on the internet

You may freely use the different versions of the logo on the internet and on all social media platforms.

The logo on objects

You may reproduce the logo on T-shirts, caps, buttons, mugs, notepads, stickers, banners, flags or on any other object without asking for permission.

Translated messages
If you want to reproduce the logo with a message in your own language, the easiest solution is to download the version thas has no written message. You then add your text inside or outside the logo. To be able to do this, you may need a program for editing images/photos/pictures or PDFs. You can find these kind of programs on the internet, for instance by searching for the words "free image editors". Alternatively you can ask a friend, a web designer or a shop/company to do the job for you.

Your own text

You are free to formulate your own message in the logo. The message must, however, be a positive statement about the mother-father-child relationship – for instance based on the YES messages formulated in the section The Message of the logo below.

Texts communicating hateful, contemptuous, degrading or dehumanizing attitudes or attacks against sexual minorities or towards people of other convictions, are totally unacceptable. Such messages linked to the logo will be considered a serious abuse of the logo and the project. Read more about this in the section The Message of the logo further down on this website.

National initiatives and products

The Project Group responsible for this website lacks the capacity to receive orders and produce products with the logo, sending them all over the world. Individuals, groups and organizations in each country must therefore themselves take the necessary steps to produce, distribute and/or sell objects with the logo portrayed on them.

Any profit that proceeds from sales of objects portraying the logo (for instance T-shirts, buttons, flags, mugs) will belong to the person, group or organization that ordered the objects and paid for them. The Norwegian Project Group abstains from all financial claims relating to the use of the logo.  

No national entity may claim ownership of the logo or try to hinder others using it on any kind of object.

If you discover somebody abusing the logo in any way – for instance by linking the logo to a text that is hateful, degrading or dehumanizing towards sexual minorities or people with other convictions – we encourage you to report it by using the response form on this website.

Background, Message and Purpose of the Logo

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Worldwide acceptance

The Convention on the Rights of the Child has been signed and ratified by almost every nation in the world. By signing and ratifying the Convention, all these nations have committed themselves to implementing its content in laws and practical policies concerning children.

The 54 Articles of the Convention may be found here:


In Article 7.1 the Convention declares that every child, as far as possible, has the right to «know and be cared for by his or her parents».

It is obvious from the text of the Convention that the word «parents» means «biological parents». This is clearly signalled in many Articles of the Convention by the use of the following or a similar expression: «the child’s parents, legal guardians or other persons legally responsible for the child».

See the Articles of the Convention where this expression (or something similar) is used: 2.1 • 2.2 • 3.2 • 5 • 14.2 • 18.1 • 18.2 • 19.1 • 21a) • 40.2(b-ii) • 40.2(b-iii)

Two parents

38 times in the Convention on the Rights of the Child the words «parents», «the parents» or «both parents» appear in the text. Never does the Convention use the word in singular: «parent». It is presupposed and taken for granted in all parts of the Convention that every child has the right to both parents.

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Planned fatherlessness

On the basis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and for several other reasons, most people are convinced that planned fatherlessness or planned motherlessness is not in accordance with the rights of children formulated in the Convention. Neither father nor mother is irrelevant, redundant or unimportant.

Adoption and foster homes

When a child experiences an existencial crisis (for instance the death of parents or parents who are unable to take proper care of their child), adoption may in many instances be the best solution. In other cases foster homes may be the best (often temporary) solution for the child.

Same-sex marriage

Among the 193 member countries of the United Nations, 29 countries have passed laws that allow same-sex marriages. 164 countries have not done so. These 164 countries are not breaking any international human rights conventions or declarations by defining marriage as a legal union between man and woman.  

The message of the logo

The rainbow
The rainbow and its colours have always fascinated people. In different cultures and religions the rainbow has been attributed with a wide range of symbolisms and meanings. See for instance the Wikipedia article Rainbows in Culture, which describes the rainbow in religion, art, literature, music and films. The article includes an explanation of why the rainbow in the Christian tradition is seen as a covenant token of God's care for the world.

To many people today the 7 colours of the rainbow signifiy diversity. That is also one of the messages of our logo.  

Our logo is about «uniqueness in diversity»: The world is full of diverse expressions in all areas of human life – languages, races, skin colours, cultures, religions, ideologies, etc., etc. The rainbow can be understood as a symbol of the  enormous and colourful mosaic of diversity and creativity among the seven billion people in the world.

In all our differences there is, however, one thing we all have in common: Every human being – without exception – is born as the result of sperm from a man and an egg from a woman. Every birth and every human life is a solid expression of the unparalleled role that man and woman, father and mother, play in the life of every child and every person who has ever lived. This reflects a profound uniqueness and a common trait in all of humanity – in the midst of an almost indescribable diversity in the human race.

The mother-father-child relationship is a singular and objective reality based on biological and genetical factors and is the foundational cell of all societies and civilizations. It is not merely a "social construct". Biologically, it is different from all other human relationships.

Positive and important affirmations
The message that our logo communicates include important truths and values that we affirm. We encourage others to join us by saying ...

• YES to the uniqueness of the mother-father-child relationship.

• YES to both mother’s and father’s unique contributions in a child’s growth and development.

• YES to the fact that mother and father complement each other and are equally important.

• YES to the importance and value of knowing one’s relatives on both mother’s and father’s side – uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.

• YES to taking biology seriously in laws and family policies affecting children.

• YES to protecting children’s rights in all areas of life.

• YES to to the perspective and rights of children over and above the perspective and demands of adults.

The Global Logo of the Biological Family is not an attack on other forms of families and relationships. Instead, it is a creative expression, display and celebration of a profound conviction that we share with billions of others around the world: The mother-father-child relationship is unique and is the family model that best protects children’s inborn rights and needs.

The Project Group responsible for the logo encourages everyone to meet and speak of sexual minorities (and any other group) with respect and dignity. We encourage everyone to speak and act on the conviction and truth that absolutely all human beings have the same inborn worth and value and should be treated accordingly.

People may disagree profoundly in questions related to ideologies, sexual ethics and family matters, but this should not hinder us meeting others with a fair and respectful attitude. It is crucial to distinguish clearly between ideologies and individuals.

Obviously, it is legitimate to criticize and oppose ideologies and ideas that we consider harmful or wrong, and to wholeheartedly defend our own convictions. However, using hateful, derogatory, uncivilized or dehumanizing language, attitudes or acts towards our opponents is totally unacceptable.

The rainbow

We have chosen to use the rainbow as part of the logo for several reasons. Here are some of them:

A natural phenomenon
The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon that anyone is free to use as they wish. No one has a monopoly or exclusive right to make use of it or assign to it an «objective» or global meaning and symbolism. The rainbow belongs to everybody. Along the centuries different cultures, religions and organizations have used the rainbow and its colours to promote their message, values and vision.

Rainbow flags
On Wikipedia there is an interesting article about different versions of logos and flags with rainbow colours from around the world: Rainbow flag. See for instance an interesting rainbow logo used by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA – Coop) from 1925 until 2001.

The logo that we have produced portrays 7 colours in the rainbow – the number of colours normally attributed to the rainbow: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

"Monopoly" or diversity
A reason for choosing the rainbow as one of the two dominant features of our logo, is that we want to participate in an attempt to change the situation which has developed in recent years: In many countries the LGBT+ movement and its agenda have obtained a kind of «monopoly» in relation to the rainbow colours.

With our initiative and logo we hope to contribute to more diversity in the use of the rainbow and its colours. Our hope is that more groups and people will feel comfortable using the rainbow and its colours in their initiatives and activities – without automatically being associated with the LGBT+ agenda.

All this being said, we of course defend the right of any movement and their sympathisers around the world to use and promote the rainbow colours as they wish.

Comments, Ideas and Experiences

Have you got comments, ideas or experiences? Write to us by using the form below.

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About Us

A Norwegian Initiative

The initiative to create and publish the Global Logo of the Biological Family originated in Norway. A Project Group was formed in 2021, and after a while we decided to go global with the logo and launch a website with free resources for downloads.


The project is an independent initiative from a group of individuals. It is not formally linked to any organization, institution, political movement, religious group, or any other entity.

The Project Group

The Project Group is made up of 10 people – five women and five men from different professions and backgrounds. Three of these people form the Steering Committee: Øivind Benestad, Solveig Modum Dybing and Eivind Andreas Nilsen.

As the project develops, we will possibly invite some individuals from other nations to be part of the Project Group and the Steering Committee.

About the Website

Free Usage
All the resources on this website may be freely downloaded and put into use. No payment or permission is needed.  

A website in progress
At the present, this website has not yet found its final form. There is certainly room for improvements – both in terms of content, layout, structure and user friendliness. Because the website is under construction we greatly appreciate any kind of helpful suggestions and ideas from the users.

Translations of this website
a) If a person or an organization wants to translate parts or all of the content on this website to their own language and publish it digitally or on paper, they are free to do so without permission.

b) If a person or an organization would like to promote the project in their own country, they may freely and without permisson publish the logo versions and a translation of the text (or parts of it) on their own website.

c) If a person or an organization wants us to publish a translation of the project on our website,, we are happy to do so. This may be done even if the translation is not put on any national website. Contact us for more details using the contact form on this website.

Commentaries, ideas and experiences
If you have comments, suggestions, ideas or interesting experiences to share with us, please write your text in the contact form on this website. If we find that your input might be useful or interesting for others, we’ll probably put it on the website – anonymously, without any mention of name, e-mail or country.